Christina Lampe-Onnerud will moderate the Closing Plenary Discussion on the Global Battery Industry Landscape at the International Battery Seminar in Orlando Florida on Thursday March 20th,  2025

Globalize Local Capital

In today’s paradigm, financing energy infrastructure in developing countries is a major challenge in most cases. Since building out the energy infrastructure enables economic growth and prosperity, and those projects provide an economic engine for many years to come, it is critical that the sustainability aspects of both finance and energy solutions are considered. Investing in traditional power generation and infrastructure, as the western world has traditionally done, just does not make sense when tomorrow’s renewable clean energy technologies are available already today at rapidly falling prices.

The Energy Transition Tide Has Turned, and Together We Can Drive Momentum

The energy transition has arrived. After years in which we spoke about a change likely to happen soon, there now is a significant acceleration in the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon energy system. The increasing competitiveness of wind and solar are now massively shifting the investment in power generation towards these renewable technologies in developed and developing countries alike.  Energy efficiency is finally getting the attention it deserves with smart technologies making energy more flexible and productive.  And in personal mobility recent announcements from one automotive OEM after another indicates clearly that the future is electric.

International Women and Girls in Science Day— Progress for Women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Workforce – but Much More to Do!

February 11 marked the third annual United Nation’s International Women and Girls in Science Day.  Celebrated worldwide, its purpose is both to recognize the achievements of women in science and to encourage girls to study science. We at Cadenza are proud of our efforts to encourage women in STEM, led by the example and the work of our founder and CEO Dr. Christina Lampe-Onnerud.

China is Leading the Booming Global Battery Market

The biggest take-away message from global developments is that China has the ball; both from a policy and an investment side. The Chinese central government is continuing to provide clear policy around the need for electrification using renewables and battery technology.

The Paris Accord:  Still Necessary and Important

At its core, exiting from the Paris Accord neither eliminates the underlying climate change conditions that led to nearly 200 nations entering into this voluntary agreement nor stops the need for a full range of steps to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

US Should Not Shut its Doors on Talented Immigrants

Without a pool of workers trained in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Cadenza and other innovators will be unable to grow and prosper.

Thoughts from the recent US Department of Energy/ARPA-E Enhancing Capital Flow Into Early Stage Clean Energy Workshop

ARPA-E is an agency of the US Department of Energy tasked with identifying, assisting and funding research and development of advanced energy technologies, modeling itself after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).  Cadenza Innovation is a ARPA-E award recipient from 2013.

Clean Energy Jobs

I was honored to attend and participate in the HUB2016 Conference in Sweden in late November.  As an innovator and business developer in the battery and the energy field, I see many opportunities to improve the world for future generation and to contribute to strong economic development.  

EV at the Paris Auto Show

Daimler described earlier this year at the Geneva Auto Show that its Accumotive battery subsidiary will spend $550M on a second battery pack assembly plant, tripling its production capacity. 

Great prospects in the grid storage market

It is clear that, as costs come down, and energy density and safety rise, the ability of our technologies to provide firm, reliable, fast–responding, and emission–free dispatchable power, will solve many of the issues facing the grid.