Cadenza’s Unique Cell Design

Energy Storage
| Li-ion Racks & Batteries
Partnering in today’s energy storage and telecom paradigm driving superior safety, reliability, energy density, and economics while supporting sustainability goals

Electric Vehicles
| Li-ion Battery Packs
Enabling mass adoption of electric cars through safe, affordable, and high-performing battery technology

Cylindrical Jelly Rolls
- Longer and wider jelly rolls compared to those in 18650 cells
- These larger jelly rolls lead to significant packaging advantages (higher Wh/L)
- Lowest cost and highest yield manufacturing process
- Mature manufacturing with easily accessible mass production tools
- Use of all state-of-the-art chemistries, power or energy

Novel Housing Support Material
- Thermally isolating housing enables a closely packed jelly roll configuration without cascading failure
- Novel and proprietary, non-combustible ceramic fiber material formulations with high levels of fire retardant
- Thermal isolation is sufficient to allow large jelly rolls with no roll-to-roll runaway

Large Prismatic Cell
- Configuration allows open jelly roll structure with shared atmosphere
- Non-expanding cells and no cascading result in space effective and low cost module designs
- Uses entire jelly roll capacity distribution with no need for sorting
- Large format size allows easily incorporated low pressure vent and pressure disconnect designs in a space effective way
- Jelly rolls’ reconfigurable arrays can optimize battery pack to format and capacity
- Enables low profile packs
- Configurable to size