比克电池欲开发“超级电池” 更高安全系数更高能量密度更低成本
China News深圳市比克动力电池有限公司(下文简称“比克电池”)与获得世界经济论坛(WEF)技术先锋奖的美国新能源创新企业Cadenza Innovation在北京举行战略合作签约仪式,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司董事长李向前先生与Cadenza Innovation 创始人兼首席执行官 Christina Lampe-Onnerud博士代表双方签署合作协议。双方将合作生产更高安全、更低成本、更高能量密度的“超级锂电池”及模组,并推动新产品全球产业化落地,持续提升锂电技术和品质,推动行业持续创新发展。
引入新型锂电封装技术 比克电池推动“超级电池”产业化落地
China Daily今日,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司(下文简称“比克电池”)与获得世界经济论坛(WEF)技术先锋奖的美国新能源创新企业Cadenza Innovation在北京举行战略合作签约仪式,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司董事长李向前先生与Cadenza Innovation 创始人兼首席执行官 Christina Lampe-Onnerud博士代表双方签署合作协议。双方将合作生产更高安全、更低成本、更高能量密度的“超级锂电池”及模组,并推动新产品全球产业化落地,持续提升锂电技术和品质,推动行业持续创新发展。
AutoHome今日,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司(下文简称“比克电池”)与获得世界经济论坛(WEF)技术先锋奖的美国新能源创新企业Cadenza Innovation在北京举行战略合作签约仪式,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司董事长李向前先生与Cadenza Innovation 创始人兼首席执行官 Christina Lampe-Onnerud博士代表双方签署合作协议。双方将合作生产更高安全、更低成本、更高能量密度的“超级锂电池”及模组,并推动新产品全球产业化落地,持续提升锂电技术和品质,推动行业持续创新发展。
An Internationally-Recognized Innovator
WCBS Radio 880The latest recognition for recent guest CEO Christina Lampe-Onnerud.
Cadenza Innovation powering up with unique battery tech
Westfair CommunicationsThe Wilton-based startup, which provides energy storage solutions for license to lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery manufacturers, was selected in June from hundreds of international candidates as one of the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Technology Pioneers — the second time since 2010 that the same founding team has earned that award.
Wilton energy storage solutions company looks to lower energy costs
WTNH News 8There is an energy storage solutions company based in Wilton that is working to lower the cost of energy with the help of lithium-ion batteries.
This Connecticut Innovator Is Changing The Way We Look At Power
Network ConnecticutThere is an energy storage solutions company based in Wilton, Connecticut that is working to lower the cost of energy with the help of its lithium-ion batteries which are made in the state. The company, Cadenza Innovation, was founded in 2012 and is headed by Swedish-born chemist, Dr. Christina Lampe-Onnerud. In the next year, this technology will be rolled out in the state of New York. Inquiries about these batteries are starting to come into this company from around the globe. Another game-changing company in the Nutmeg state.
Project at NYPA will test new lithium-ion technology
American Public Power AssociationCadenza Innovation was awarded $1 million in funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for a project that will demonstrate a behind-the-meter energy storage system using an innovation in lithium-ion battery technology.
Cuomo’s Energy Storage Target Goals Now Include Li-ion Supercell Technology Demonstration Project
CleantechnicaNew York State has awarded Cadenza Innovation funding for a demonstration project featuring Li-ion supercell technology, a standalone system that includes a rack-mounted 200kWh, 50kW battery storage unit. The project is part of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) drive to pursue nation-leading clean energy goals, including Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s energy storage target of 1500 megawatts in New York State by 2025. As the pioneering provider of energy storage solutions for license to lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery manufacturers, Cadenza Innovation offers unique cell design that combines the best properties from wound jelly rolls and large prismatic cells. That allows for high energy density at low cost for EV, PHEV, and grid markets.
Battery demo project to advance NY power grid energy storage
Smart 2.0The funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will be used for a stand-alone lithium ion battery system that includes a rack-mounted 200kWh, 50kW battery storage unit by the autumn of next year.