Christina Lampe-Onnerud will moderate the Closing Plenary Discussion on the Global Battery Industry Landscape at the International Battery Seminar in Orlando Florida on Thursday March 20th,  2025

Först på VA: Svenska batteridrottningen tecknade just sitt första kommersiella avtal – med Kinas batterikung

Veckans Affärer

Efter flera år av utveckling har Christina Lampe-Önnerud tecknat ett jätteavtal med en av de tio största batteritillverkarna i världen. “Det är ett jättestort avtal. Vi satsade på att ta en av de största och det har vi lyckats med”, säger hon efter att just kommit tillbaka från Kina till USA där hon bor och verkar med sitt företag Cadenza.

Christinas supercell ska tillverkas i Kina


Redan i början av nästa år ska kinesiska BAK Battery börja tillverka litionjonbatterier baserade på den teknik som amerikanska Cadenza utvecklat. Bakom företaget finns Christina Lampe-Önnerud och hennes man Per Önnerud.

US-Chinese firms forge ‘supercell’ partnership

Energy Storage Publishing

Chinese lithium battery company BAK Battery and US-based battery platform provider Cadenza Innovation have signed a cooperation agreement to manufacture lithium-ion cells and modules based upon Cadenza’s ‘supercell’ technology.

Supercell Architecture Is Centerpiece of BAK & Cadenza Innovation Agreement


Shenzhen BAK Power Battery and Cadenza Innovation have announced that they will co-manufacture lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells and modules based on Cadenza Innovation’s supercell architecture. The supercell architecture provides reliable safety, lower cost, and high energy density by combining small ‘jelly roll’ cells in a ceramic material to create larger cells.


Energy Storage Journal

China’s Shenzhen BAK Power Battery and lithium ion battery firm Cadenza Innovation signed a deal on September 16 to cooperate to manufacture lithium ion cells and modules based on the US company’s supercell architecture.

China is taking the lead in electrification of cars, CEO says


China’s commitment to electric vehicles presents “amazing” growth opportunities in the sector, according to the founder of battery technology start-up, Cadenza Innovation. New battery technologies can improve the reliability and safety of electric vehicles, while bringing down the total cost, Christina Lampe-Önnerud, a chemist and an entrepreneur, told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Tianjin, China.

Cadenza CEO on CNBC: China’s Role in the Electric Vehicle Sector


China is taking the lead on electrification, explains Christina Lampe-Onnerud, founder of Cadenza Innovation.  CNBC interview link below:

Cadenza aims for mass production with China deal

eeNews Power Management

US startup Cadenza Innovation has signed a strategic deal with Chinese supplier for mass production of its lithium ion-based Supercell technology early in 2019. Shenzhen BAK Power Battery will manufacture Li-ion cells and modules based on Cadenza Innovation’s supercell architecture, which provides higher safety, lower cost and higher energy density by combining small ‘jelly roll’ cells in a ceramic material to create larger cells.

比克电池联手世界经济论坛创新技术先锋Cadenza Innovation开发“超级电池” 预计明年实现量产

Shenzhen News

深圳市比克动力电池有限公司(下文简称“比克电池”)与获得世界经济论坛(WEF)技术先锋奖的美国新能源创新企业Cadenza Innovation在北京举行战略合作签约仪式,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司董事长李向前先生与Cadenza Innovation 创始人兼首席执行官 Christina Lampe-Onnerud博士代表双方签署合作协议。双方将合作生产更高安全、更低成本、更高能量密度的“超级锂电池”及模组,并推动新产品全球产业化落地,持续提升锂电技术和品质,推动行业持续创新发展。

比克电池欲开发“超级电池” 更高安全系数更高能量密度更低成本

Phoenix New Media

深圳市比克动力电池有限公司(下文简称“比克电池”)与获得世界经济论坛(WEF)技术先锋奖的美国新能源创新企业Cadenza Innovation在北京举行战略合作签约仪式,深圳市比克动力电池有限公司董事长李向前先生与Cadenza Innovation 创始人兼首席执行官Christina Lampe-Onnerud博士代表双方签署合作协议。双方将合作生产更高安全、更低成本、更高能量密度的“超级锂电池”及模组,并推动新产品全球产业化落地,持续提升锂电技术和品质,推动行业持续创新发展。